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ForEach Loops in Azure Data Factory

Woman standing next to a projector showing the Azure Data Factory logo.

In the previous post, we looked at how to use variables in pipelines. We took a sneak peek at working with an array, but we didn’t actually do anything with it. But now, we will! In this post, we will look at how to use arrays to control foreach loops.

ForEach Loops

You can use foreach loops to execute the same set of activities or pipelines multiple times, with different values each time. A foreach loop iterates over a collection. That collection can be either an array or a more complex object. Inside the loop, you can reference the current value using @item().

Let’s take a look at how this works in Azure Data Factory!

Creating ForEach Loops

In the previous post about variables, we created a pipeline that set an array variable called Files. Let’s use this array in a slightly more useful way 😊 Delete the old Set List of Files activity and ListOfFiles variable:

Screenshot of an open pipeline, highlighting the activity and variable to delete

Add a foreach loop instead:

Screenshot of an open pipeline, highlighting the new foreach loop

In the foreach loop settings, you can set the sequential, batch count, and items properties:

Screenshot of the foreach loop settings

By default, the foreach loop tries to run as many iterations as possible in parallel. You can choose to run them sequentially instead, for example if you need to copy data into a single table and want to ensure that each copy finishes before the next one starts.

If you choose to run iterations in parallel, you can limit the number of parallel executions by setting the batch count. The default number is 20 and the max number is 50.

Finally, you have to choose the items to loop over. Click to open the add dynamic content pane, and choose the Files array variable:

Screenshot of the foreach loop settings, highlighting the items setting

Then, go to the activities settings, and click add activity:

Screenshot of the foreach loop activities, highlighting the add activity button

Inside the foreach loop, add an execute pipeline activity, and choose the parameterized Lego_HTTP_to_ADLS pipeline:

Screenshot of the inner foreach loop activities, showing the new execute pipeline activity

Now we need to pass the current value from the Files array as the FileName pipeline parameter:

Screenshot of the inner foreach loop activities, showing the new execute pipeline activity parameter

Unfortunately, the add dynamic content pane does not have a shortcut for referencing the current value inside a foreach loop 😕

Screenshot of the add dynamic content properties, highlighting that you can NOT click to add the current iteration of foreach loops

But! Like I mentioned earlier, you can use @item(). You just have to type it in yourself:

Screenshot of the add dynamic content properties, highlighting the manual addition of @item()

Debugging ForEach Loops

Now, our pipeline will set the Files array, then use the array to control the foreach loop. For each iteration of the loop, the filename will be passed as a parameter to the parameterized pipeline. Click debug:

Screenshot of the inner foreach loop activity, highlighting the debug button

Set the LoadAllFiles parameter to true:

Screenshot of the pipeline run parameters

When we debug a foreach loop, we will get a warning saying that all activities will be executed sequentially. But don’t worry! It will run in parallel when you trigger it:

Screenshot of the warning shown when debugging foreach loops

In the output, we will see that the foreach loop ran the execute pipeline activity nine times:

Screenshot of the output when debugging foreach loops

Click on the forach loop input to view the item count:

Screenshot of the foreach input when debugging foreach loops

Click on an activity input to view the parameter used for that specific activity:

Screenshot of the activity input when debugging foreach loops

Tadaaa! 🥳

ForEach Loops using Array Items

In this post, we looked at foreach loops that iterates over arrays. In JSON, an array can look something like this:

["themes", "sets", "parts"]

If we use the example code above, we can illustrate how foreach loops work like this:

Animation of ForEach Loops using Arrays


In this post, we looked at how to use arrays to control foreach loops. We saw how we can use @item() to reference the current value from the array.

…but I also mentioned that foreach loops can iterate over more complex objects. Something like… the output of lookups, perhaps? 😄 Guess what we will look at in the next post!

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About the Author

Professional headshot of Cathrine Wilhelmsen.Cathrine Wilhelmsen is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, international speaker, author, blogger, organizer, and chronic volunteer. She loves data and coding, as well as teaching and sharing knowledge - oh, and sci-fi, gaming, coffee and chocolate 🤓