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Speaking about Microsoft Fabric at AdaCon 2023

On Tuesday, October 10th, 2023, I will be speaking at AdaCon 2023 🥳

The amazing Patricia Aas started the Ada Lovelace Day mini-conference in 2019. Back then, there were a few large Women In Tech groups and events in Norway, but they mainly celebrated women in management and leadership positions in tech-focused companies. Patricia wanted to celebrate Women doing Tech, and created the mini-conference to give coders, developers, engineers and everyone else working hands-on with tech an arena to share their knowledge. This year, the event has been rebranded to AdaCon and expanded to celebrate all groups that are underrepresented in tech 👏🏻

I will be presenting a session called Website Analytics in My Pocket using Microsoft Fabric. This is a brand new session, and I’m super excited to finally be able to play around with Power BI! 🤓

Speaker card showing Cathrine Wilhelmsen and the other speakers at AdaCon 2023.

You can find the schedule and full agenda on the AdaCon website. This is going to be an important and inspiring day full of learning, so I hope to see you there! 💙

Website Analytics in My Pocket using Microsoft Fabric

As a technical blogger and event organizer, I’m always curious about my website traffic. How many visitors have I had? Where are they from? What days and times are my websites most popular? Which posts are read the most? 🤔

All this information is available to me. There’s only one gotcha: the data is only available for the past 30 days. That means if I want to compare how my website is doing next year compared to this year, I need to save the data somewhere else so it doesn’t get lost - and build my own visualizations on top of it. Luckily for me, that’s what I do for a living! 🤓

In this session, I will show you how I’ve used Microsoft Fabric (the newest analytical service from Microsoft) to create my own pocket-sized dashboard for my website analytics. First, I will explain how I automatically collect the data from an API and store it in a central location. Then, I will show how I visualize the data in a mobile-friendly way using Power BI. 📈

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About the Author

Professional headshot of Cathrine Wilhelmsen.Cathrine Wilhelmsen is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, international speaker, author, blogger, organizer, and chronic volunteer. She loves data and coding, as well as teaching and sharing knowledge - oh, and sci-fi, gaming, coffee and chocolate 🤓