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Category: Tools and Productivity

Do you like wasting time on repetitive tasks? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Me neither. I always try to find tools and techniques that can help me work smarter and more efficiently. Fewer clicks, more smiles! 🤓

In this category, I write about applications that can help increase your productivity. I also share tips for saving time in applications you might already be using. Some of my favorite free tools for text editing are Visual Studio Code and Notepad++. I’m also a huge fan of the Redgate products, especially SQL Prompt. This is a licensed tool, but the one tool I would pay out of pocket for to use at work!

Improve Your Presentation Skills by Rehearsing with PowerPoint Presenter Coach

Did you know that PowerPoint can help you improve your presentation skills? 💡 If you rehearse with the PowerPoint Presenter Coach, you can get real-time feedback on things like your pace and language. If that’s too distracting (it is for me), you can choose to hide the real-time feedback and only view the detailed report at the end of your rehearsal.

PowerPoint Presenter Coach rehearsal report and live feedback examples.

The report shows you details about the total time spent, your pace and pitch over time, whether or not you are simply reading from your slides, as well as actionable feedback on your language. The feedback includes whether you are using too many filler words (like umm, actually, or you know), whether you are using too many repetitive words with alternatives you can use instead, whether you are using any words that can be offensive, and specific sentences that you can refine.

The PowerPoint Presenter Coach works on Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and in PowerPoint online 🥳 However, it currently only understands English. Let’s hope it will learn new languages soon!

Developing in Containers using Visual Studio Code (T-SQL Tuesday #140)

T-SQL Tuesday logo.

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Anthony Nocentino (@nocentino). He wants to know what we’ve been up to with containers. Perfect timing, because I have just spent the last couple of weeks learning how to develop in containers using Visual Studio Code! I was planning to write this for myself anyway, but perhaps it can be interesting for others as well 🤓

What is the use case?

One of my clients are using dbt (Data Build Tool) for their data transformations. In short, this means that developers write data transformations in SQL as SELECT statements. All SQL code can be combined with Jinja templates. Inside of these Jinja templates, developers can reference other tables, use control logic, or define common SQL code snippets as reusable macros. Dbt then compiles the SQL+Jinja code into pure SQL.

Keyboard shortcuts for moving text lines and windows (T-SQL Tuesday #123)

T-SQL Tuesday logo.

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Jess Pomfret (@jpomfret). She wants to hear about life hacks to make your life easier! In this post, I share two of my most-used keyboard shortcuts. One for moving text lines up and down without copying and pasting, and one for moving windows around without dragging and dropping. I use these all the time :)

Moving text lines up and down

Previously, I was moving text lines up and down in a couple of different ways. Have you ever marked all the text on a line, copied it, then pasted it again? Yeah, I did that all the time. And then I discovered there’s an easier way! Yay 🤩

There are a couple of different flavors to this keyboard shortcut.

In Office applications like PowerPoint and OneNote, you use Shift+Alt+Up and Shift+Alt+Down:

In other applications like SQL Server Management Studio, Azure Data Studio, and Visual Studio Code, you simply use Alt+Up and Alt+Down.

Moving windows around or between screens

Similarly, I was previously dragging windows around multiple monitors using my mouse. Then I discovered you can use Win+Arrows to move windows around. And then I discovered that you can use Win+Shift+Arrows to immediately move windows to the same position on other monitors. Are you showing a full-screen application while presenting? Just win-shift-arrow it to the extended screen and you look like a total pro. Whaaat! 🤯😁

Keyboard all the things!

There you go. Two of my favorite, useful, and timesaving keyboard shortcuts! I use these so much that I don’t think about them anymore - until someone goes “whoa whoa whoa wait what magic did you just do!?” 😎

Organizing Visual Studio Projects in Solution Folders

Visual Studio logo.

Do you have large Visual Studio solutions with many projects? Are you looking for an easy way to hide some projects while working on others? Maybe you are a fellow speaker looking for a way to group and organize your demo files? Solution Folders may be what you are looking for!

Online Tools for Data Professionals (T-SQL Tuesday #101)

T-SQL Tuesday logo.

T-SQL Tuesday #101 is hosted by Jens Vestergaard (@vestergaardj), and the topic is My Essential SQL Server Tools. There are several tools that I use every single day, such as Notepad++, Redgate SQL Prompt, and BimlExpress. Since I have already covered my favorite tools in other blog posts, I want to take a slightly different approach this time and share some of my favorite online tools.